

P2P Internet Learning


Antimatter is reimagining textbooks through the lens of contemporary language and culture. I faciliated the design of a 0 to 1 MVP.


  • Product Designer - Myself

  • CEO / Founder

  • Tech Lead

  • Community Manager

  • Educational Game Designer


Oct 2021 — Dec 2021

What if you and your internet friends could write the next Hamilton? Antimatter encourages learning through intensely visual creation of educational media that speaks internet.

I consulted with the team over a period of 4 months to synthesize user research, engage in a discovery sprint, and design a 0 to 1 MVP based on educational games and spatial software principles.

The topic space, a spatial grid where users promote creative content.
The topic space, a spatial grid where users promote creative content.

Framing the problem area

Memes are generated to reinforce, teach, or acquire knowledge. Sometimes there is a natural curiosity that encourages someone to go find more information on their own, diving into the rabbit hole. Other times, the community works as a reinforcement function to explain the joke or share additional information.

Creative media production is a ramp to learning, with topical communities enabling the feeling of being ‘in-group’. Memes also serve as a means of bonding and camaraderie with fellow learners around their shared experience.

A group space, where congregration around new and old topics occurs..
A group space, where congregration around new and old topics occurs.

This product is currently in classrooms running as a private beta.

Next Project

Origins NFT