

Content Discovery


The Axios team sought a strategy to increase their readership. From landing pages to core features, they wanted a designer embedded in their product team that could ideate and execute.


  • Integrated Product Designer - Myself

  • Product Manager

  • Engineering Team

  • Embedded Researcher



September 2018 — January 2019

Axios had in-house qualitative user research and an impressive online analytics cache. After helping synthesize the research, I identified the critical issue: Users often shifted between different information gathering mindsets during their visit, and Axios only catered to one.

In fact, over 60% of users asked for longer content and coverage of niche topics, adjacent to stories they were reading.

Despite difficulty navigating the site, readers felt a strong brand loyalty to Axios' authors. In the words of one respondent:

“The newsletters are f*cking brilliant — smart, tight, knowing, a little funny. Like that really smart person on your shoulder every day.”

Getting an Axios AM email in the morning empowered readers with access to the latest news, creating a perceived advantage in their work environments.

The challenge: Capitalize on empowerment and re-engage readers in divergent mindsets.

The Axios timeline north star, showcasing the new content discovery modules.

On mobile, we had a better chance of capturing a user's attention by increasing the density of available stories, much like Google News, Twitter, or Reddit. Horizontally scrolling sections would add variety and encourage exploration. This was a promising solution, but there was not enough development bandwidth to implement this in the current site version.

Take a deep dive

A marquée Axios newsletter gained traction after the editorial team focused on lengthier reporting. Calling this the 'Axios Deep Dive', we explored a north star vision of an immersive mobile storytelling experience.

I developed an interactive prototype that visualized several microinteractions, elevating the storytelling abilities of the Axios editorial team.

The Axios Deep Dive north star, exploring dyanmic ways to interact with a collection of stories.

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